If you want to be Rich & Happy…

The book that I just finished reading is titled…”if you want to be rich & happy: Don’t go to school

It was an interesting book, wherein the author, describes the shortcomings of the educational system. Throughout the book, he insisted for a non-bipartite educational system; Some student’s classified as being smarter, and others being labeled as weak. He asserted in the text that everyone is a genius and his inner strengths may/may not be aligned with what is demanded by the educational system.
The Author also encourages lifelong education in a fun filled manner.
I would recommend everyone to read this book. My recommendation would be even stronger, in case you are a parent, a student, or a teacher; which pretty much covers mostly all who can read 🙂

Dedicate time for…

Dedicate time to work:
it’s the price of success.

Dedicate time to think:
It’s the fountain of power.

Dedicate time to enjoy:
it’s the secret of youth.

Dedicate time to love and be loved:
it’s the source of joy and satisfaction.

Dedicate time to laugh:
it mitigates the stress


If you want happiness for an hour – take a nap
If you want happiness for a day – go for a picnic
If you want happiness for a month – get married
If you want happiness for a year – inherit a fortune
If you want happiness for a lifetime –
just bring SMILES to others…….