Good any time eye exercises

A good eye exercise…

Eye Exercise 3 cups

Click here: For the detailed instructions the a very useful eye exercise. I was suffering with blurred vision on my computer screen. The exercise helped me to cope with the problem in a better way.

Recommendation: high.

Increase Peripheral Vision…

Peripheral Vision: The ability to perceive the presence, motion or color of objects outside of the direct line of vision.

Developing a wider peripheral vision/ eye-span has multitude advantages: The most important being ability to read at much better speeds. One’s reading speed is directly proportionate to the number of words one can read at a time. The higher the number of words one can absorb in a fixation the better will be the reading speed.

I recently came across an online resource to improve peripheral vision, and find it quite useful. There is an option to download the resource and use it offline.

Other methods

  1. Place your hands together in front of you as when praying or greeting in the Indian fashion (namaste). Now, separate your hands by about an inch. You will begin to see a third palm between the two real palms.
  2. Bring the index fingers of your two hands together facing each other so that the tips of the fingers tough. Now separate the two fingers apart by about an inch. You will begin to see a third finger in the middle.

All these exercises improve the peripheral vision.

Further Reading

7 dont’s after a meal

* Don’t smoke- Experiment from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher).

* Don’t eat fruits immediately – Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal.

* Don’t drink tea – Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the Protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest.

* Don’t loosen your beltLoosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.

* Don’t bathe – Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs & body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

* Don’t walk about – People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

* Don’t sleep immediately – The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.

Eye Exercises

1. Practice the 20/20/20 rule
After 20 minutes of computer use, look away from the screen, and focus on something 20 feet away that is out a window or down a corridor. Focus on this sight for at least 20 seconds.

2. Practice the “Focus Rock” Exercise
Hold a magazine article as close to your eyes as possible so that you can see it clearly. Then, look at something at least 10 feet away and focus on that. Refocus on the near target and back to the far target. You’re zooming in and zooming out just like a camera lens.

Goals of the exercise

  1. The first goal of this exercise is to change focus faster.
  2. The second goal is to build stamina. Performing this exercise will help prevent your eyes from getting tired quickly when working on the computer.
  3. The third goal of this exercise is to increase the strength of your focusing ability, which increases the strength of the muscles in your eyes. (This is like adding weights to your workout.)

The exercise can also be done using the thumb: Hold your thumb six inches from your nose. Focus on your thumb. Take one deep breath and exhale slowly. Then focus on an object about 10 feet away. Take another deep breath and slowly exhale. Repeat back and forth 15 times

Do the Focus Rock for five minutes every day. “This is especially good for people in their late 30s and 40s,” says Dr. Brisco. “It helps with seeing close and may help reduce the need for reading glasses.”

Improves eye flexibility:

3. Pencil Push-Ups
This is for eyes that “turn out.” It also helps improve convergence ability, which helps prevent eyestrain. This exercise may also prevent you from seeing “swimming print” and may help
hinder double vision.

Here is the method: take a pencil, hold it 10 inches away from your face. Bring it slowly to your nose. The goal is to bring the pencil all the way to your nose before the pencil appears to double.

Also pretend there’s a tic tac toe board in front of you: bring the pencil in from each square from the tic tac toe board. Don’t move your head, just bring the pencil in from different directions so that you’re using all six muscles around the eye.

4. Eye Stretch
Pretend there’s a bug on the edge of your eyebrow, and make your eyes move around in really big circles, as if you’re following the bug around with your eyes. You’ll feel the blood circulating, and this will get oxygen flowing. Give your eyes a good stretch every few hours.

5. Palming
The palming exercise will teach you to relax your eyes, which in turn will bring healthy energy to your eyes.

First, rub your hands together until they feel warm (about 15 to 20 seconds). Then place your cupped hands over your closed eyes, being careful not to touch your eyes with the palms of your hands. The fingers of each hand should overlap and rest gently on the center of your forehead. Don’t create any unnecessary pressure on your face. If your arms get tired, rest your elbows on a table.

Sit quietly for one to two minutes with your hands over your eyes. The more relaxed you become, the blacker the darkness you will see with your eyes closed.


Sitting or standing at one end of a room, let your eyes scan around the edges of objects in the room- clocks, televisions, doors, lights, computers, etc. the object of this exercise is to keep your eyes moving in a loose and fluid way. Do this exercise for two minutes remember to breathe.


Improves eye flexibility:

7. Hydrotherapy

Place a bowl of hot water and a bowl of cold water in front of you. The hot water should be hot but not so hot that it burns you. The cold water should be ice cold, so either put ice cubes in it or get it out of the refrigerator. Put a wash cloth in each bowl. Place the wash cloth from the bowl of hot water against your closed eyes for 30 seconds. Then do the same with the wash cloth from the bowl of cold water. Continue to alternate the hot and cold wash cloths. Finish by gently massaging your closed eyes with a dry towel. Do this for two minutes.
